Vol. 8 No. 16 (2023): Visions of the Future : Iberian Visual Culture After Democracy, 1974-1998

					View Vol. 8 No. 16 (2023): Visions of the Future : Iberian Visual Culture After Democracy, 1974-1998

This special issue stems from the project “Visions of the Future: Iberian Visual Culture After Democracy 1974-1998,” a collaborative research project that delves into the role of visual communication in the unique political landscape of the Iberian Peninsula (and all other territories within Spain and Portugal) during its transition to democracy in the late 20th century.  

 It includes two original articles, two visual essays and a book review that examine how communication design served as a “pivot of change” and engaged with the cultural complexities of this historical context

Published: 2024-01-18