Modifying the universe around us: the design act as transformative semiosis process .
design philosophy, design theory, non-conventional approach, semiosis, entanglementAbstract
Underlying the anthropocosmic conception of the philosopher Valery Nikolaevich Sagatovsky is the understanding of being as a unitary totality in which matter, soul and spirit are on an equal footing in terms of dignity and value. In this way, ontology, anthropology, theory of knowledge, axiology, ethics and aesthetics are harmonically unified in human activity with regard to the world and human beings themselves. This approach allows an overview of ideas about the world, human beings and the human-world relationship. The aim of the research is to step into an exploratory dimension of the human-world relationship and attempt to trace innovative directions of non-academic thinking. To look at design as a configuring act and a tool through which to modify the environment in which we live and which in turn modifies us (in a recursive way). Can the universe be considered as a complex system in which the natural and the artificial merge into a constantly changing, interactive, self-configuring phenomenological world? Can the artificial world, as the result of a project, with its own configuration, be considered a 'communicative artefact'?
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