Glitch art as pop art


  • Eugenio Mangia Guerrero Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Artes



glitch art,, digital, pop art, machinic, Aesthetics


This work takes as its starting point the intention of examining the origins of glitch art as a contemporary way of making digital art. This type of aesthetics dates back to the beginning of modernity, where its possible antecedents are born. Philosophical postulates are explored as instruments in the possible explanations to understand the complexity of a new aesthetic phenomenon. The second purpose of the research is to examine the aesthetics of glitch art as a contemporary wonder, the result of new electronic platforms and digital media. With these, the results of this new art genre are produced, which has affinities with pop art through the mass media and popular culture. Finally, it is tentatively explored and experimented with programmed tools to produce and simulate glitch effects.


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How to Cite

Mangia Guerrero, E. 2020. Glitch art as pop art. INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. 5, 10 (Dec. 2020), 15–37 p. DOI: