Messages from water in the voice of mapuche and ẽbẽra eyapida women, ecoafective inspirations in education




eco-affectivity, indigenous knowledge, intercultural education, ecofeminism, water


This article explores some of the results of the interconnection of water, women, and affectivity, in which indigenous women's knowledge is valued and revitalised by extrapolating it to an eco-affective paedagogical fabric in education. The methodology is built from the insurgent wisdom of indigenous research, it is developed considering a qualitative position with a feminist approach; The aim is therefore to have idiographic rather than generalising global knowledge. The participants were 18 indigenous women from the Ẽbẽra Eyapida peoples of Chigorodó, Colombia, and the Mapuche of the Los Ríos Region, Chile. The results allow us to see that the voice that flows from the waters brings other forms of relationship, which can approach education to awaken other aesthetics, ethics, and coexistence. Likewise, it is revealed how epistemic pluralism in initial pedagogical training could facilitate strategies to improve and enhance the integrative perspective of novice teachers. 


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Author Biography

Angela Niebles-Gutiérrez , Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia, Chile)

Psychologist by the Catholic University of Colombia. Biodance teacher, International Biocentric Foundation, Temuco, Chile (2012). Master in Human Development, mention in Personal and Family Development from the Austral University of Chile. Doctor in Education from the University of La Salle, Costa Rica. Ecofeminist in the making, she also participates in canto al agua, neoshamanic biodance and is a biocentric educator.   

She has published texts and participated in research associated with corporeality in education, initial teacher training, and indigenous knowledge. 



How to Cite

Niebles-Gutiérrez, A. 2024. Messages from water in the voice of mapuche and ẽbẽra eyapida women, ecoafective inspirations in education . INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. 9, 17 (Jun. 2024), 46–70 p. DOI: