Editorial policy

Inmaterial is published online in open access, every six months (June and December) and its ISSN is 2462-5892.


Publication freqüency

Every six months (June 30 and December 20)


Peer review process

Inmaterial follows a double-blind peer review process and the body responsible for the final decision on publications is the Editorial Board.

Authors must submit their articles anonymously. Both the identity of the authors and the evaluators are kept hidden throughout the review process. 

After sending the original article, the Editorial Team assigns the article to two external peer reviewers who are experts in the corresponding subject area. All articles will need the positive evaluation of both reviewers and sent to a third reviewer if needed. Articles can be “accepted”, “not accepted” or “Accepted with modifications”, and recieve proposals for minor or major corrections and the need to re-evaluate the articles. The review form is periodically reviewed.

The comments of the reviewers and the final decision of the editorial team are communicated in a reasoned way.

Please note that a review process might take between 3 and 6 months.


Research misconduct

The different instances that intervene in the review, acceptance and publication of the articles are guarantors of their anti-plagiarism monitoring. If there is any doubt, a plagiarism detector system is used: https://freeplagiarismchecker.pro/. Data falsification and citation manipulation will also be monitored and considered unacceptable.

Authors and reviewers must indicate the journal when they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest with the editors, reviewers or authors.


Adoption of codes of ethics

Inmaterial adheres to the international standards and ethical codes established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE): https://publicationethics.org/core-practices


Authorship and contributorship

Authors must ensure that their submissions are original and that does not include the published work of other authors or themselves. Authors must include all the persons that have made a significant contribution to the article and order the names of the authors hierarchically to reflect the degree of responsibility of each author in the project or article.


Post-publication corrections

Although we work to keep the published work stable, we understand that changes and corrections might be sometimes necessary. In that situation, the author will need to justify the corrections and those will be published with a note including the date of the correction.


Complaints and appeals

Complaints can be sent to info.inmaterialdesign@bau.cat and will be handled by the Editorial Team or the Editorial and Scientific Boards if needed. Please specify the reasons for the complaint or appeal in relation to the journal's policies and code of ethics. Expect an answer from the Editorial Team within 15 days, although the time needed for the full resolution of the problem will depend on the complexity of the complaint.


Author fees

The journal does not charge authors any fees for article processing or publication.


Access and reuse policy

The publication of articles in Inmaterial places the authors, potential readers and interested persons, as subjects of intellectual property rights under the heading: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

By choosing to publish in Inmaterial, the author retains the moral rights of authorship as well as those of publication, use and reuse of their work, as long as they cite the magazine as the first source of publication.


Digital Preservation Policy

Inmaterial works to guarantee the permanent accessibility of its contents through backup copies, digital preservation metadata, the use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and the use of the OJS (Open Journal Systems) editorial manager and the LOCKSS system. It also deposits its updated metadata in repositories such as Dialnet, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico).


Advertising policy

Inmaterial does not offer commercial advertising space.


Gender and equality policy

We work to have and maintain gender parity in the journal’s Team and Boards and have a minimum percentage of 40% of female reviewers. 

The journal publishes the complete names of the authors.

We highly recommend the use of equal and non-sexist language in the published articles. 

Articles that take assumptions and presuppositions in relation to ethnicity and religion will be rejected by the editor.