Beyond the discipline : A metadisciplinary approach for the didactics of communication design


  • Gimapero Dalai Alpaca Società Cooperativa
  • Berta Martini Dipartimento di studi umanistici, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
  • Luciano Perondi Dipartimento Planificazione e Progettazione in Ambienti Complessi
  • Monica Tombolato Dipartimento di studi umanistici, Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo



Didactics, Teaching of communication design, Curriculum development, Learning outcomes, Professional social practices


We reflect specifically on the curriculum for bachelor’s level program in communication design. We propose a model of education which we define as “metadisciplinary” and which is grounded on the acquisition of competences rather than the acquisition of specific contents. Our objective is to show how a metadisciplinary didactic model can benefit from the weak epistemological status of the knowledge base of communication design. According to the idea that didactics can be treated as a science of design, we propose a model of educational design based on a metadisciplinary stance.

First we describe two fundamental aspects of the model proposed: (1) the development of habitus of thought and action and (2) the distributed and collective nature of expert knowledge. Next, we discuss the notion of curriculum architecture. Finally, we describe a basic set of metadisciplinary competences that we have identified for students in the field of communication design.


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How to Cite

Dalai, G., Martini, B., Perondi, L. and Tombolato, M. 2018. Beyond the discipline : A metadisciplinary approach for the didactics of communication design. INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. 3, 6 (Dec. 2018), 021–051. DOI: