Cosmologies in abundance for the arts and design




This issue brings together academic articles on artistic and design research as well as experimental projects that take into account, allow themselves to be traversed by, investigate or emerge from cosmologies and ontologies that go beyond those in which Western academic thought is traditionally inscribed. 

Three articles are included in our Original Articles section, one in the Projects section, as well as a book review. 


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Author Biographies

Mafe Moscoso, Bau College of Arts & Design of Barcelona (Barcelona)

Teacher and researcher at BAU, College of Arts & Design of Barcelona. She is currently the coordinator of BAU Ediciones. PhD in Antropology from the Freie Universität Berlin. 

Mariona Moncunill-Piñas , Bau College of Arts & Design of Barcelona (Barcelona)

Editor of the academic journal Inmaterial. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. Artist, teacher and researcher at BAU. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society (UOC), master in Cultural Management and Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from Universitat de Barcelona. 



How to Cite

Moscoso, M. and Moncunill-Piñas, M. 2024. Cosmologies in abundance for the arts and design . INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. 9, 17 (Jun. 2024), 4–9 p. DOI: