Guidelines for authors

Inmaterial accepts the submission of original articles written in English, Spanish, or Catalan.

Any article that does not comply with the requirements defined here for its presentation will be discarded before blind peer review.

1. All authors must register here in order to submit their proposals through the journal's platform. Please make sure that you receive the automatic confirmation e-mails.

2. Anonymization: All contributions must be anonymous. The names of the author/s should not appear either within the text in self-citations or in the metadata of the files.

3. Data: A separate document (.doc or .odt) will be sent with the author’s full name, ORCID iD, a brief academic résumé, institution where employed and reporting hierarchy, national and international networks they are a member of, e-mail address and social networks profiles (of the author and related institutions).

4. Category of the papers and extension: The papers to be taken into account in the journal must be written in English, Spanish, or Catalan, be unedited, and fall within one of the following categories: 

  • Original research papers: Articles that discuss unpublished research.  Minimum number of words: 4,000. Maximum number of words: 6,000 (excluding keywords, abstracts and references)   Peer-reviewed.
  • Literature review: Contributions that account for the state of the art of a theme.  Minimum number of words: 3,000. Maximum number of words: 5,000 (excluding keywords, abstracts and references) . Peer-reviewed.
  • Projects: Critical/reflexive review of outstanding artistic/design projects. Those projects that arise from some novel methodological approaches are especially welcome. Minimum number of words: 2,500. Maximum number of words: 4,000 (excluding keywords, abstracts and references) . They must include images, videos, sound files, and other graphic/audio-visual elements derived from the research or that are needed for its comprehension through anonymized links as far as the contribution includes descriptions and frames or screenshots or other types of static documentation. Peer-reviewed.
  • Book reviews:  Minimum number of words: 2,500. Maximum number of words: 3,000 (excluding keywords, abstracts and references) .

5. All papers must have the following parts in their structure:

  • Title: It must describe the content in a clear, precise way, to allow the reader to identify the matter easily. The title shall be provided both in Spanish (when possible) as well as in English.
  • Abstract: This part aims to guide the reader in identifying the basic content of the paper in a swift, exact manner, and to determine the relevance of its content. It is recommended not to exceed 250 words. The abstract shall be provided both in Spanish (when possible) as well as in English.
  • Keywords: the author must provide 5 keywords at the end of the abstract, written in Spanish and English.
  • Bibliographic referencing: Referencing must be in 7th Edition APA Style:

6. The texts must be edited in .doc or .odt format, without conversion to PDF or other formats, in DIN A4 size, with 3 cm. Margins, on both sides and with pages numbered consecutively in the bottom right margin (folio). Arial 12-point font must be used, with a line-spacing of 1.5, full justification, and without indentation.

7. Images such as illustrations, photographs, figures, diagrams, or schemes must preferably be supplied in .jpg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi (pixels per inch) or the maximum resolution possible; and tables and graphs in .xls or .ods format. Those resources shall be supplied in files classified as appropriate and in separate folders; each must also be identified consecutively (for example figure 1, figure 2, figure 3…; image 1, image 2, image 3…; table 1, table 2, table 3…; etc., as appropriate).

Video and audio files must be included through anonymized links.

They must be located within the text of the original document (so the magazine designer has a specific reference and may place them correctly when performing the page editing for publication) and they must be identified with the relevant consecutive image caption and author or source credit. 

For images or other resources that are not produced by the author submitting the work, the relevant credit must be given and the original source cited. Thus, the author/s is/are bound to cite the original source in all graphic documentation, whatever its kind. The journal declines all liability that may arise from the breach of intellectual or commercial property rights. 

8. The papers received shall be sent for evaluation by national and/or international reviewers (Double-Blind Peer Review).

9. The papers sent shall not be returned, so the authors must make sure they keep a copy.

10. The Publishing Committee is responsible for selecting the articles worth publication, and it reserves the right not to accept work that does not comply with the above instructions for publication.

11. Privacy statement: Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.

12. Refereeing system: Immaterial has an anonymous peer review system for the evaluation of articles (double-blind peer review) and the Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision.

13. Plagiarism: The different bodies involved in the review, acceptance, and publication of articles are guarantors of their anti-plagiarism monitoring. If there is any doubt, a plagiarism detection system is used:

14. Intellectual property, access, and reuse policy: The publication of articles in Inmaterial places the authors, and possible readers or interested persons, as subjects of intellectual property rights under the heading: 

By choosing to publish in Immaterial, the author retains the moral rights of authorship as well as the rights of publication, use, and reuse of his/her work, as long as he/she cites the journal as the first source of publication.

15. Adoption of ethical codes. Immaterial adheres to the international standards and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE):

16. Free access at no cost. Immaterial is free of shipping costs because it is digital and freely available.  Likewise, Immaterial does not charge for the processing of articles or manuscripts.