Beyond the discipline:
for the didactics
of communication design
Dalai, Berta
Luciano Perondi, Monica
Te paper was writen by the authors jointly. Specifically, G. Dalai wrote section 3.5;
B. Martini wrote sections 1.2
2.1; L. Perondi wrote sections
1.3, 3 and 3.3; M. Tombolato wrote sections 1.2, 2.2 and 2.3. G. Dalai and L.
Perondi wrote sections 1.1, 3.2, and 5;
G. Dalai, L. Perondi and M. Tombolato wrote
sections 3.4 and 4;
and G.
Dalai and M. Tombolato wrote section 4.
We reflect
specifically on the curriculum
for bachelor’s
program in communication design. We propose a model of
which we
define as “metadisciplinary”
and which
on the acquisition of competences
rather than
the acquisition of specific contents. Our objective is to show
how a
metadisciplinary didactic model can benefit from the
weak epistemological status of
knowledge base
of com-
munication design. According
to the
idea that didactics can
be treated
as a
of design,
we propose a model
of edu-
design based on a
metadisciplinary stance. First we
describe two fundamental
aspects of
model proposed:
(1) the development of habitus of thought and action and
(2) the distributed and collective nature of
expert knowled-
ge. Next, we
discuss the notion of curriculum architecture.
Finally, we describe a basic set
of metadisciplinary com-
petences that we have identified for students
in the
field of
Key words
Didactics, Teaching of communication
design, Curriculum development, Learning
outcomes, Professional social practices
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
En el artículo que presentamos, reflexionamos específica-
mente sobre el currículum
para programas de grado en dise-
ño de comunicación. Proponemos un modelo educativo que
basado en
las habilidades que
deben ser adquiridas por los estudiantes,
en lugar
de conteni-
dos específicos. Nuestro
objetivo es analizar cómo un
de enseñanza metadisciplinario puede beneficiarse del débil
estatus epistemológico del
diseño de
comunicación. Según
idea de que la Didáctica puede
considerarse una ciencia
del diseño, proponemos
un modelo de planificación educa-
desarrollo de actitudes metadisciplinares.
En primer lugar se
describen los aspectos fundamentales del
propuesto: el desarrollo del habitus
de pensamiento
acción; el conocimiento experto como conocimiento distri-
y colectivo. A continuación, se
analiza la arquitectura
del currículum; finalmente, se indican las habilidades
del recorrido formativo que el equipo de trabajo ha
a partir de las prácticas reconocidas en
campo del
diseño de la
Palabras clave
Didactica, Enseñanza
del diseño de la comunicación,
desarrollo curricular, resulta-
dos de aprendizaje,
prácticas sociales profesionales
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
1. Introduccion
Any program of study
in a given field must distinguish between two
forms of knowledge: savoir savant and savoir à enseigner. Tis
educators must deconstruct the savoir savant in order
to identify its essential
components (Martini, 2005) and, eventually, to reconstruct a text du savoir
1991). Te text du savoir allows students to acquire the knowled-
ge and skills necessary for acting
effectively in the field of
When the field
of study is intrinsically interdisciplinary, the savoir savant
emerges from the intersection of
disciplines with different epistemological
statuses, which
can be
“weak” or
“strong.” In this case,
the savoir à enseigner
of the field needs to include the essential components of the disciplines
involved. In this article we propose a didactics of communication design that
moves beyond a discipline-oriented
model. Tis approach interprets the term
“didactics” not
only as
the theory of
teaching, but also as a science of design
1.1. Te teaching of communication design
article draws inspiration
from the development of a joint course in edito-
rial design at Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (ISIA) Urbino and
at the University of Urbino (Luciano Perondi, Beppe Chia, Leonardo Romei,
Berta Martini, Paolo Polidori, Yuri Kazepov, and Luciano Angelini); from
collaborative teaching
and other
work done at the
Centro Internazionale di
Studi Interculturali di Semiotica e Morfologia (CISISM, Berta Martini and
Luciano Perondi);
and from the work involved in overseeing
teaching and
development for the
in Graphic Design and Visual
Communication of ISIA Urbino
(Luciano Perondi).
In this article we reflect specifically on the curriculum for bachelor’s level
programs in communication design, regardless of the type of institution or
the duration of
the program (three or four years). In particular, we propose a
model of education that we define as “metadisciplinary” and
that is based on
competences to be acquired rather than
specific contents to be learned.
A curriculum designed in this way could increase the value of
design as a field of research and also increase its political usefulness and prac-
tical applications. Its increase
in value would be related not only to the specific
uses of communication design, but also to the fact that this research field
would become fundamental to other disciplines, which in
turn could increase
production as a result of
their relationship
with communication design.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Te field of graphic design, or by greater extension of communication
can be
considered to
have “weak” epistemological status because it does not
have particularly complex specific disciplinary contents
if compared to disci-
plines with strong status, such as physics or medicine, which are considered
to have “strong” epistemological status. By the locution “specific disciplinary
we mean the basic knowledge a student must
learn before being
able to
approach a problem within
domain defined by the discipline. For
example, unlike in physics or medicine, in
graphic design this is usually possi-
at the end
of the first
year of the bachelor’s or
even earlier.
Te specific skills of graphic design are:
1) graphic composition / visual configuration,
including micro and
macro typography,
editorial design, graphic
design, brand identity
2) design methodology
Neither of
these skills has developed a
solid scientific grounding yet.
Te remaining skills involved in graphic design are borrowed from
disciplines, for example:
1) history (of graphic design)
2) neuroscience (perception and cognition)
3) drawing
4) photography
5) etc.
or from a mix
of disciplines, such as color
theory, which
draws from physics
and neuroscience.
Indeed, as
Poter (2002,
p.100) highlights, “Much design work
is carried out
in a very direct and informal way. […] Of
an artisan
designer (of any
kind) works very
directly and with
a minimum of ‘communication
res’. […] Te procedures show the
designer approaching an unknown situa-
tion, making himself
familiar with it, taking instructions, making sure they
fully understood,
weighing the possibilities, discussing them, arriving
conclusions, offering proposals, modif
ying them, providing drawings and
other instructions to
a third
party, and
supervising the outcome.Te result is
something new in the world; a product, an environmental change;
a new set
of possibilities.”
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
1.2. Te botom-up genesis of design as a
Te weak epistemological status
of communication design is
due, at least
partially, to
botom-up genesis of the discipline. Indeed, this
field of study
form progressively, starting
from a
body of knowledge organized in a
non-systematic way by a community of
with the objective of
multidimensional, broad problems (Morin, 1999). Te multidimen-
sional nature of the problems means that designers must master not
knowledge belonging to different cognitive
domains (that is,
to different
fields of
experience characteristic of
different fields of
study), but also the
competence to
combine and transfer that knowledge.
In short, they
must use
1.3. Te strength of the weak status of
In order
to build a body of professional knowledge with pieces of information
that are not
fully structured and formalized
yet, we must build educational
pathways based on principles of didactic design. Te weak epistemologi-
cal status of
communication design grants a significant didactic advantage,
since it allows the students to work on realistic
projects earlier than students
from disciplines with strong epistemological status. For example, in
engineering or medicine, students need
several years of background studies
before being able to carry
out projects in their field. Tis contrast between
students working in fields with weak vs.
epistemological was
when ISIA Urbino
and Università degli
studi di Urbino organized mixed
courses in 2013-2016 in which communication design was combined with
disciplines with stronger status, such as
and the norma-
tive discipline of law.
Moreover, the simplicity and
specificity of the
background of communi-
cation design allows students to focus not only on
but also
on integrative ones (see
Section 4).Te set of
by the end of the could be applied in professional contexts not strictly bound
to the main
subject of
(i.e. graphic design, as well as areas such as
industrial design and interaction
We do not provide a definition of communication
as a self-contai-
ned discipline. Numerous authors and institutions have defined “design” or
“designer” (such as Poter, 2002;
Design Organization, 2015) and ma-
pped the subdisciplines (such as
Saffer, 2009, pp. 20-22; Carta del progeto
grafico, 1989; Farrell and Nielsen, 2014), including several “communication”
than focusing on
disciplinary definitions,
our objective
is to discuss how a
didactic model can benefit from the weak
epistemological status
of communication design.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Te weak epipstemological status of communication
and its
multidisciplinarity mean that we cannot consider
communication design (or
more broadly) to
be a clearly defined and bounded discipline (Rodgers
and Bremner,
Rather, the straightforwardness of the theoretical
kground of communication design means that students—from very early in
study program—can use it in applied projects that include contents from
other disciplines.
Mixing students from different disciplines
and levels in the
same class
students to take advantage of the transdisciplinarity of the
theoretical base of communication
design. Tis approach benefits communi-
cation design students by enriching their theoretical background and benefits
students from
other disciplines,
by allowing them to apply their
knowledge to
realistic projects at the beginning of their studies.
Tis context
help students
develop the skills
of resilience and ductility (see Sections
2 and 3) considered primary in the
of communication design.
2. Metadisciplinary didactics and curriculum
Te idea that didactics can be treated as a science of design arises from the
need to face the complexity
of educational situations and their
resistance to
experimental control (Laurillard, 2012). When an educational
innovation is
implemented, the result
can be
very different
from the planned design. Tis
is due to the unpredictability of teaching situations. Te
solution is to
a design-based methodology, which is
not experimental
in a traditional sense
iterative. In this way,
any educational innovation,
is initially
based on theory, can
be revised
in light of
what has occurred in
the classroom.
Tis approach makes it is possible to improve both theoretical knowledge
and practical knowledge (Collins, 1999).
Te teaching model we propose here is a design experiment with several
starting premises:
• Te complexity of teaching situations (teaching does not
occur in
a laboratory, but rather in a changing context
with many
• Te flexibility
of the design (the initial project develops
gradually through a process of revision)
• Social interaction (the initial project develops on the basis of a
feedback system between
researchers, teachers
and students)
• Te goal of the experiment is not to confirm hypotheses but
rather to develop and refine an educational pathway
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
An educational design experiment is therefore
a reflection-in-action (Schön,
1983). Tis
idea originates in Dewey’s theory of inquiry (1938). According
to Dewey, every inquiry that takes place develops from the indeterminacy of
the situation to its resolution. Tose
who perform
an inquiry combine mental
reasoning and action in a process that is
transactional, indeterminate and
intrinsically social.
a result, we have forms of practical
inquiry that lead to
the invention of possible paths of action that do not fall within the prevailing
scheme of practical reasoning. Tat is, the path of action is not selected
of pre-established options.
Within this
framework, we define metadisciplinary
didactics as a model of
educational design oriented to the development of metadisciplinary atitudes,
which allow people to
and transcend the boundaries of their disci-
pline and communicate and work as
a team with specialists from disciplines
different from their own (Mingheti
and Cutrano, 2004).
captures two fundamental aspects of educational
Te development of metadisciplinary atitudes fosters the
acquisition of the habitus (of thought and action) of
communication designer
knowledge is inherently
collective and distributed in
that it
implies a progressive
specialization of cognitive work, which
emerges through collaboration (Sloman & Fernbach, 2018)
2.1. Te development of
With regard to point 1, we first specify the meaning of the concept of habitus,
its relationship to the concept of competence. Bourdieu (2003)
defines habitus
as the set of durable and
transposable internal dispositions
that guide the subject and serve as a
of perceptions, evaluations and
actions within a domain. In the domain
of science
(2003a) practitioners
must not only master the relevant theoretical background but also develop
habitus that allows theory to flow into
their practice in the form of
“dexterity”, “glance.” In other
performing competently within a certain
of knowledge
requires both
knowing how to think
and knowing how to
act (Martini, 2017).
Moreover, this domain specificity is
not only specificity of contents, but also
epistemic specificity. Tis
characterizing a field of knowledge not
in terms of its
contents, but
also in
terms of its established rules of
methods and languages, which together ensure the generation of products be-
longing to that
particular domain. It
is then
possible to identify a relationship
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
between the process
of acquiring competence in a certain cognitive domain
and the process of structuring the corresponding habitus. According to Bour-
dieu, the habitus is constructed
through repeated exposure to domain-speci-
fic practices. Tis
that working in a
certain domain allows us to
progressively more confidence with its practices;
that is, to know how
to act
and efficiently within it.
According to a certain cognitive perspective of learning, knowing how to act
cognitively in
conformity with a disciplinary domain implies constructing
relevant and effective action
paterns with respect
to that
domain (Vergnaud,
paterns are invariant
that can be mobilized in diffe-
rent situations. Broader and
more complex action paterns for handling more
complex situations can be obtained
by assembling
basic ones. As action paterns,
as in habitus, they are developed in
practice and improved by the student
through repeated
and extensive exercise.
From an educational
standpoint, it
is therefore reasonable to consider
sets of domain-specific activities—which
stimulate directly, frequently and
systematically certain modes of thinking and acting—as the experiential con-
texts of the domain-specific
of these schemes. In this perspecti-
ve, the
specific way of thinking and acting
that characterizes a certain domain
of knowledge
can be
assimilated to
the specificity of
practices that
to a certain habitus or converge
in a certain “practical sense.” By this we do
mean that disciplinary competence and habitus are the same. Rather, we
argue that
it is possible to think
of the process of acquiring knowledge
as a
process of
incoporating of the corresponding
use the term “competence” to refer to the
of the subject
to coor-
dinate his/her declarative knowledge (know that, notions) and
knowledge (know how, skills) together with the proper internal dispositions
to face
a challenging situation (Pellerey, 2003). Te internal dispositions are
systems of
beliefs, motivations and
that orient and influence the beha-
vior of
subject. According to this definition, a subject shows competence
when he/she intentionally employs declarative and/or procedural
to deal
with new problematic situations.
Tis definition of
competence is useful for our argument because it interprets
competences as “knowledge in use” and highlights their
transversal nature
(Martini, 2009). Competence is something that transcends one’s declarative
and procedural knowledge and
one to act intentionally by taking res-
ponsibility for one’s own doing
(Le Boterf, 1997). Behind every performance
in a specific context there is
a competence “at
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
not coincide with performance. A set of performances is not just a series
of disjointed facts.
Rather, competence indicates an ability to combine va-
rious behaviors and transfer them to other relevant situations. More precisely,
competence is an atribute of
the subject-in-situation (Frega, 2012).
According to this view, competence
is a
level of learning than the lear-
of knowledge
and skills,
as it results from the
adaptive combination of
these forms
of knowledge. Another important aspect is that this
develops in parallel with lower-level learning. From an educational
point of
view, this means that competences
must be developed simultaneous-
ly with other learning.
Tis process requires tasks of different difficulty level,
according to the levels of mastery of
declarative and procedural knowledge
(Baldacci, 2006).
Tese tasks fulfill the role of Kuhnian exemplary cases (Kuhn, 1969), which
function of training the subject to recognize similarity—under some
respects—as a necessary requisite
for transfer. In
other words, domain-specific
knowledge and skills (i.e. acquired in a specific cognitive domain) become
versal when
subject uses them
intentionally in situations that are different
from those in which these knowledge
and skills were acquired. Tis happens be-
cause the subject identifies
a similarity in some respects between these
Te ability to transfer knowledge is therefore in the “eyes” of
sees the new situation as
(Witgenstein, 1953) analogous—in some
respects—to known situations. Tese situations indeed play the
role of
paradigmatic situations (Kuhn’s exemplar cases). Terefore, the process of
transferring knowledge to new contexts
is difficult
not because of objective
factors independent of the subject. On the contrary, the difficulty is
to the subject’s
to perceive the analogy between two different con-
texts, which can stimulate the use of
the same knowledge
and skills.
In short,
metadisciplinary atitudes imply
to act effectively in contexts.
Effective action takes place, from an
epistemological point of view, thanks to
the incorporation of habitus, and, from a psychological point
of view, thanks
to the construction of
schemes of action.
2.2. Collective
With regard to point 2, adopting a metadisciplinary didactic model requires
adhering to
a specific learning model. Te complex, uncertain
and intrinsica-
lly social character of didactic
situations has
us to interpret
the processes
of gaining knowledge with a socio-constructivist approach, through which
is interpreted as a
process that is active, collaborative,
situated and
distributed (see Fig. 1). Te teaching
and learning models deriving from
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
this approach are characterized by an active, participatory and experimental
didactics (Fig. 1).
Tis kind of didactics enhances
practical and operational
dimension of learning (Calvani,
In particular, the approach interprets
of knowledge
as “a knowledge in practice” and the context of
training as
a “community of practice” (Lave and Wenger, 2006).
to the situated learning model, knowledge
is defined starting from
practice. Terefore, learning
must also be conceived as strictly bound to human
social practices. Tese practices give rise to meaning construction. In particular,
meaning emerges
from a
negotiation process that combines participation and
reification (Wenger, 2006). Tis implies that in
the planning of a teaching and
learning situation
it is important to balance forms
of participation (first
gh legitimate peripheral participation
and then through full participation)
and the
of knowledge to be taught (learning materials,
instruments, devices,
texts, programs and so on). If reification allows the participation
in the practice,
Fig. 1.
Summary of
the elements related to
learning process is facilitated, on the contrary it will be limited.
the concepts
of knowledge in practice and
collective knowledge, which contribute
to the
definition of
the metadisciplinary
didactic model.
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
We use an intrinsically social
Tis means interpreting knowledge
as the product of a
collective mind that is organized according to a principle
of specialization of cognitive work but also
(Sloman and
Fernbach, 2018).
2.3. Curriculum architecture
In order
to build a metadisciplinary didactic model, we must use a specific cu-
rricular design.
Te curriculum is a theoretical and
practical device that allows
practices and competences to be articulated coherently (Martini,
2009). Te articulation of
these three elements
confers unity and complete-
to the design of the curriculum,
as these elements
are linked
by a logical
relationship. Te selection and organization of knowledge
must be consistent
the skills that we intend to promote, and these skills must be developed
within situations that allow students
them to put them into practice.
From a theoretical
point of view,
the curriculum structure can be articulated
on two levels, each one aimed at
developing the following two types of
ning: the learning of knowledge and
skills (first-level curriculum objective)
and the learning of habitus, that is, of long-term mental habits (second-level
2006). As
already said, these two kinds of
take place
simultaneously. As a
consequence, the teaching situations
for first-level and second-level objectives must be organized in parallel. Tis
means constructing educational situations in which different
logic levels are
involved at the
same time: declarative and procedural
knowledge, but also
From a practical point of view, curriculum design can
be of two types: (a)
the first type defines learning
objectives in advance, then selects
and identifies
teaching practices for the development of
skills; (b) the second type, on the contrary,
identifies learning objectives a
posteriori, deriving them from the teaching-learning situations (Bonaiuti,
Calvani, Ranieri, 2007). In both cases the curriculum
is focused
on the
tionship between learning objectives and teaching
practices. Te curriculum
predefined objectives derives practices from objectives and
has a structure that is linear and based on transmission. Te curriculum with
open objectives derives objectives from
practices and
a structure that is
non-linear and
based on problems.
In our communication design approach, we adopted a curriculum with
objectives (type b), using
the theory of didactic transposition (Chevallard,
1991). We gradually improved the curriculum
in an iterative
manner on the
basis of actual classroom experiences.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
In didactic transposition, knowledge is removed from the original site
production, adapted
and introduced into a teaching situation (Schubauer
therefore, means puting scientific expert
knowledge into a
didactic form
so that it can be taught and learned. With
term “expert knowledge”, however,
must understand
not only the formal
knowledge emerging from the scientific community, but also the non-formal
knowledge emerging from professional social practices (Martinand, 2001).
According to Develay (1995) the taught knowledge depends on the interac-
tion between scientific knowledge and professional social practices through
processes of axiologization and teaching mediation.
Axiologization con-
sists of
the selection of specific knowledge on the basis of its relevance with
respect not only to the discipline but also to the construction of professional
habitus. Teaching
mediation consists of identifying specific
teaching practices
that mobilize knowledge and skills
that are functional to the development of
expected competences.
Tis extension of the
epistemological pole
from formal knowledge to profes-
sional social practices is particularly appropriate in the case of communication
because this is a “weak-status” knowledge that emerges from a pre-exis-
ting professional field through a (predominantly) secondary disciplinarization
(Hofsteter and Schneuwly, 2014).
In the context
of didactic transposition,
interpreting professional social practices as an
form of knowledge has
a precise epistemological meaning.
First, it means questioning the idea
of the
absolute superiority of academic knowledge, which is instead considered to be
one practice among others (the
practice of research) (Astolfi et al., 2008). Se-
cond, it means underlining the dynamic and dialectical relationship between
theoretical level of formalization and the empirical level of praxis.
2.4. An example of multidisciplinary curriculum design
example of multidisciplinary didactics
that made use of the
concepts des-
cribed in the previous sections concerns the joint teaching activities carried
in 2015-2016 at as part of the Bachelor’s in Graphic
Design and Visual
Communication (ISIA Urbino) and the Science of Primary Education (Uni-
of Urbino; see Martini and Perondi, 2016). Te following academic
teaching disciplines were identified within the respective curricula:
• Typographic techniques
• Design methodologies
• Iconography
• Pedagogy of knowledge
• Docimology
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
Te involved professors identified common educational objectives:
• Organizing
work (processes,
objectives, timing)
• Systematically analyzing a problem
• Coordinating micro and macro objectives
• Prototyping and testing
• Cooperating
Te students were
divided into mixed working
groups composed of
students and undergraduate primary school education
students. Te groups were asked
to collaborate on
a project, for which they
had to deal with the aspects relevant to their respective courses of study. Te
project consisted of the following parts:
• Te brief
• Work plan
• Objectives
• Knowledge
• Potential competitors
• Innovation
• Justification of choices about
content, mood, ICT,
• Testing
Te assignment included two design tasks:
publishing artifacts (cross-media narrative system and
cross-media exhibition system) that facilitate teaching and learning;
a testing tool for the developed
We used shared assessment criteria to evaluate
projects. Te
of this
experience were shown and discussed in Martini and Perondi (2016).
Figures 2 and 3 show some artifacts developed
by students at ISIA Urbino for
the joint course in editorial design during the academic years ranging from
2013 to
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Figure 2. Spazio Meta is a proposal for
the management of care relationships
between elderly people, carers and families, which can be
in different urban communities.
Te project consists of a place in which people seeking carers can meet the people who offer care. Te aim
of the project is to provide recognition and real value to the work of carers in
the eyes of the community. Te
proposal consists of design of
activities, alternative methods for selecting carers, and informal training. Te
project also provides guidelines for the creation, management
and development of a meeting place that can
become a node in a new social network in the city.
Tis would be done through interventions
such as legal
counseling, social assistance and the design of spaces and
communication. Te project was carried out
as a joint effort between
ISIA di Urbino and Università degli studi di Urbino, academic year 2013-14,
with students from
courses in editorial design, law and sociology,
and with the
contribution of A. Maurizi, E. Bito, F. Zaupa, M. Lonardi, V. Monacelli, teachers B. Chia,
L. Romei, L. Perondi, Y. Kazepov, P.
Polidori, L. Angelini.
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
Fig. 3. I’M POSSIBLE is an exhibit for children on the theme of impossible figures, in which the integration of communicative artifacts (vi-
deos and exhibition boards) and interactive activities
(games and individual and group exercises) involve the children in critical analysis of the
concept of impossibility. Te children
explore and physically experience impossibility— which
consists, in this case, on of the lack
isomorphism in these particular drawings—by comparing and observing the (non-)correspondence between images and
solid objects. Te
project was carried out as a joint effort between ISIA di Urbino and Università degli studi di
Urbino, academic year 2015-16, with students
from courses in editorial design and primary education, and
with the contribution of C. Cairo, G. Cruciani, L. Zennaro, C. Schiaratura, P.
Landolfo, teachers B.
Chia, L. Romei, L. Perondi, Y. Kazepov, P. Polidori, L. Angelini.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
3. Competence-oriented teaching vs. discipline-oriented teaching
in communication design
Within the socio-constructivist approach, competences
the result of an
educational pathway
in which the students build
their ability to interpret
reality and to act effectively
upon it. Competences must
be defined in
to their use in
different contexts. In other words, they must be identified
a system of socially and culturally recognized
practices. Within
framework, we selected the basic competences to be
pursued by starting with
recognized practices
in the field of communication design (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Competences and the related features
of the didactic design
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
A competence-based curriculum in communication design faces a tension
between two opposing forces: (1) One on hand, communication design must
be grounded in crafsmanship (and we consider all the competences listed
below to be
crafsmanship or
artisan competences). Sennet (2008) describes
crafsmanship as the ability to detect problems, ask the right questions about
them, and disclose
them. Tese competences led the community of
to form the basic
body of knowledge of this
it is not yet organized systematically). (2)
On the other
communication design has weak
epistemological status, and
therefore the
must be metadisciplinary.
We also considered
need for flexibility, given that students will develop
careers in a quickly changing context. Given these considerations, instead of iden-
tifying disciplinary content, we focused on the skill set that students would need
in order to face design problems. We identified a set of basic
competences (Fig.
5) derived from communication design courses and expert designers’ personal
experience and teaching. Te competences we focused on are mathematical, his-
torical-critical, handcraf, design methodology and scientific method (see Fig. 5)
3.1. Mathematical competence
Te communication designer uses mathematics for description.
mathematics, a
designer can describe the project accurately and in algorith-
mic form, with
aim not only of specifying the project’s structure, but also
allowing its
mechanical and/or digital reproduction. For a communication
designer, handling
tools means mastering the language of scien-
ce. Tese tools allow the communication designer
to access shared knowle-
dge that
has been developed by other scientists, and which can technically
work and the
choices of
the communication designer (Marini,
2011). Donald
Knuth, with Metafont, has shown how mathematics
serve as
a tool for understanding
and defining the basic structure of
a graphic
problem (the shape of the leters
and the relationships between leters), pro-
viding a
rigorous description
that is understood by a human being and easily
computable by
a machine (or a description
can be
used as a specifica-
tion for a sofware implementation, at least) (Knuth, 1979).
Te ability to describe a problem—which is strongly related to competen-
ces in design methodology (section 3.4.) and in scientific method (section
3.5.)—makes it possible to store
knowledge until it is
ready to be reused (see
above discussion of Marini, 2011). Communication designers might not
need to become mathematicians, but they need to
master the language and
tools of mathematics as a support to
their work and as a means of communi-
cating with computers and with other professionals.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Fig. 5.
Competences for a metadisciplinary curriculum in
communication design
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
3.2. Historical-critical competence
Fundamental competences in the education of
a communication designer are
historical research and the review of
contemporary production. Among the
various currents of
historical research, of particular interest for the education
of communication
designers is the innovative approach adopted in France
during the ’20s
by the
of the Nouvelle Histoire, which revolved
around the École des Annales (Burke, 1992). In particular, the metadisci-
plinary nature of this current
is of interest: historiography is complemented
other disciplines
(from which the historians take tools and methodolo-
gies), and these disciplines become partners in the search for documentation.
competence includes:
Searching for documentation: the activity
of searching for
documentation has to be designed and has to encompass both
physical and digital archives. For example, knowing
logic behind
a search engine allows students to
infer how to set up a search query
that can lead to a targeted, deep search. Requires understanding the
principles of mathematics/information technology underlying the
storage of
information in a database.
Selecting sources: understanding of hierarchy and classification
of sources is key to structuring
a corpus of documents. Te main
is interpreting the hierarchy of sources (primary,
secondary, etc.) based on the research objective.
Understanding deeply the cultural and historical
background of
the project as a foundation for innovation.
Generalizing some considerations by Dario Antiseri regarding the teaching
of the empirical-experimental natural sciences
(Antiseri, 2000),
we underline
the contribution of historical
analysis in forming minds that are anti-dogma-
tic and open to
multiple perspectives. Such
aware of the influence
that the
context exercises
scientific progress of every
specific form of knowledge as well as of
both theoretical and
practical, that have marked its evolution. According to Antiseri, confrontation
history is a basic ingredient
of an authentic “epistemological didactics”
that emphasizes posing questions rather than lists of possible solutions,
error as a source of knowledge and
progress, and—we add—viewing
innovative thinking as
to the ability to pose
new interesting questions,
or to think outside
the dominant conceptual schemes
that shape every histo-
rical-cultural period.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
It is not by chance that one criterion of the didactic transposition criteria is
that of
“historicization.” Leting students perceive the historical dimension of
knowledge contributes to the process of re-contextualizing knowledge within
didactic system (teacher-student-knowledge). Te didactic
system is not
transparent effect of our
will. Its functioning requires that expert knowle-
dge, in
order to be taught, must
undergo certain transformations that make it
suitable for being
and learned.
When knowledge is selected as
knowledge to
be taught and enters
an educa-
tional pathway, it
undergoes transformations that generate another type of
knowledge. Among these transformations we
point out decontextualization
and depersonalization. Tese transformations indicate the process of “separa-
tion” of knowledge from the historical-social context in which it was produ-
ced, from how and why it was established. Historicization is then configured
as a process of re-contextualization and re-personalization of knowledge
didactic system (Martini, 2011).
3.3. Handcraf competence
Te term “handcraf” refers
to producing artifacts and tools with one’s own
Te handcraf competence is closely intertwined with the knowledge
acquisition. In a research area such
as communication design, which des-
cends from practices
back centuries, the competence of
ting artifacts, as well as everyday training and
practice, are strongly tied to
to conceive of these artifacts and to imagine possible solutions
Moxon (1683, p.6), in the preface of his Mechanick Exercises, states:
“(…) by a typographer,
I mean
such a
one, who by his own
Judgement, from
solid reasoning with himself, can either perform,
or direct others to perform
from the beginning to the end, all the Handy-works and Physical Operations
relating to
Te handcraf competence requires students to develop
a strong relationship
between “solid reasoning with oneself ” and the conception
of an artifact
through full knowledge of the opportunities offered by the available tools.
Tis competence
designer to approach a problem with the logic
of “what you get is what
you want”
(WYGIWYW) as opposed to the easier
logic of “what
you see is
what you get”
(WYSIWYG) typical of
rary interfaces. Tis perspective impacts on handcraf practice,
as well
as IT
programming, which is seen as a mode of
production of
the designer’s tools.
In addition to
the skills of drawing, photography, printing techniques and
production of images in
general, the handcraf competence
also includes
skills related to expressive composition and configuration. Tese later skills
not formalized but rather are acquired
through everyday practice and
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
comparison with historical and contemporary examples. Te han-
dcraf competence
includes also the
more systematic components of com-
design, such as the manipulation of visual variables, typeseting,
quantitative data visualization or scientific and
technical representations. Te
handcraf practice allows students to develop tools and modes of creation
that are impossible to develop through speculation and theoretical thinking.
Moreover, the crafsman approach is ofen scalable to
industry: by carrying
out the entire process of production
as a crafsman would, the student can
the logic behind mechanical, automatic, and parametric indus-
trial production.
A significant example of the handcraf competence is the
case of
Galileo and
the surface of the moon. Samuel
Edgerton (Bredekamp, 2011) describes how
Galileo’s painting skills allowed him
to reproduce the roughness
of the surfa-
ce of the moon
by observing and replicating the line of separation between
and shadow. Other contemporary scholars were not
able to do
this, even
though they had the opportunity to
observe the moon through a telescope.
In our metadisciplinary teaching
model, the intertwining
of handcraf
competence and formal knowledge is consistent with
a socio-constructivist
approach to learning (see
Tis is
focused, in fact, on the idea
distributed knowledge—the idea that knowledge is not only
in the mind of
the learners but also in the objects, in the environment and in other
From this point of
view, constructed artifacts are a reification of individual
and social knowledge.
Terefore, learning environments (Wilson, 1996)
must allow learners to
on and
with objects in a collaborative way. Acting
on and with
objects progressively structures the crafsman’s habitus (Sennet,
2008), which is a modus operandi that aims
to allow the learner to improve his
or her background
3.4. Design methodology competence
We return to our discussion of Morin (1999, see section 1) on the ability
to tackle broad, complex problems. In considering
this competence, we
interested not in the outcome (the performance), but
rather in the process
way of
achieving the outcome). In this
sense, the
competence in de-
sign methodology
indicates to what
of complexity/broadness the
individuals are
capable of
dealing with a problem. In this regard,
Le Boterf
(1997) proposes to move
from an “atomic” concept of skills to the concept of
“architecture” of skills. Tis move allows us
to distinguish between different
styles of
organization and
integration of resources
and knowledge in different
cognitive structures and strategies of actions. Te design methodology com-
plays a
fundamental role in communication design (and of design
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
in general). It
is the ability to activate and
integrate one’s resources
and skills
into appropriate structures.
Tis competence
is probably the one that most
distinguishes the
field of communication design (and of design in general).
focus on the ability to deal with problems
of various
(asking the right questions), develop solutions based on the combination
previous experiences, and draw on
knowledge coming from other disciplines.
From an educational
point of view, the various kinds the problems determine
type and level of competence required. So it is necessary to
identify types
of problems to identify types of competences.
In design schools, the competence
in design methodology is usually “trans-
mited” from professionals to students
through simulations
that approximate
real-life projects to varying degrees. Te teacher guides and
corrects the
students in their atempts, during a series of individual or group meetings and
revisions. Te underlying educational model is that of cognitive apprentices-
1991). Te teaching
practices for this model are simulation,
problem-based learning (Barrows, Tamblyn, 1980), project-based
(Borghi, 1969), scaffolding and tutoring (Wood,
Bruner, Ross,
modeling (Bandura, 1967).
Te student acquires this competence
a process of trial and
error process.
It is difficult in this field
to establish a
“quality control” that is coherent and systematic.
However, this competence
is a
very specific characteristic of the designer. It also makes it easier for de-
sign students to approach themes and problems that
go beyond basic design
education, right from the first stages of the program of study.
3.5. Scientific method competence
Communication design students must acquire skills
in the the scientific
method, which are closely related to mathematics and historical research.
one hand,
these skills allow communication designers to conduct a quanti-
tative evaluation of their
choices. On the other hand, they permit communi-
cation designers to deepen and
validate the specific knowledge
related to the
domain of
communication design (such as visual variables and
Students must master the fundamentals of research,
understood as a syste-
matic process
of collecting, analyzing,
and interpreting information (Leedy
& Ormrod, 2010, p.2). Te research consists of phases, which directly
subsequent ones
in an inferential process.
the experimental
varies according to the type
of research, the scientific method generally
follows a set of established steps (Leedy & Ormrod,
2010, pp. 2-7,
see Fig.
5). It is no
coincidence that
these steps are similar to those for developing a
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
mathematical/sofware algorithm, since both processes are based on a chain
of logical inferences.
Another fundamental
of this competence is to know at least some ba-
sics of experimental design. Te variety
of experimental designs is very
with or without control group, one-shot, longitudinal, mixed-group,
and a designer doesn’t need to know them all. However, having knowle-
dge of basic experimental
designs helps
designers choose
the tools that
suit the kind of
research they
need to carry out
and, more importantly, the
collaborators from
other disciplines
that they need to
collaborate with.
If experimental data will be quantitative, communication
designers need
to understand the mathematics underlying
statistical methods used to
analyze these data.
In fact, this knowledge is key for devising
an appropria-
te experimental design. Once the researchers have
detected the right kind
of mathematical analysis to perform
desired research data, they can
choose from a range of experimental designs that are suitable for collecting
the right kind of data. Te ability to choose, set up
and conduct an experi-
mental design is at
the heart of the scientific method competence.
4. Horizontal
sharing of knowledge among students
Students have a variety of
mental models, because
students integrate lear-
in the school environment with their own atitudes, hobbies and past
experiences. Tis diversity means that a
one-size-fits-all teaching model won’t
work. But it is also
an educational resource. In fact, having classes of students
from different backgrounds facilitates a metadisciplinary approach, because it
forces the teacher to diversify learning situations accordingly. All the students
begin their program with strengths or weaknesses
in the areas we have listed
above. Te program of study should
enable them to continue to
lop their strengths
and to
or at least explore their weaknesses.
Te cognitive input that derives from the carrying
out of teaching activities
in classroom environment is fundamental but necessarily limited in
time and
in the amount of information available to the student.
Students’ horizontal
sharing of knowledge (distributed knowledge)—even if only at the level of
self-teaching obtained
through unsupervised direct interaction with relevant
mediator tools (Rézeau,
2002)—should therefore be planned and
exploited as a didactic
resource. Tis approach
aims not only
to compensate
for the scarcity
of top-down knowledge
that teachers or experts can
to students,
but also to teach the
students how
to share their own cultural
backgrounds with each other.
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Te sharing of one’s cultural background implies
not only the application
of previously acquired skills, but also a synthesis and an
explanation so that
other members of the working group can
understand them
and integrate
them operatively
in their everyday work. Tis capacity for sharing is in fact
a metadisciplinary competence
of communication design, which is learned
practice, through
continuous mediation with
other students (see
section 2.2).
5. Expected
A metadisciplinary competence-based didactics has been partially applied in
teaching and curriculum
for bachelor’s level programs at the ISIA of
Urbino since its foundation as the Corso Superiore per Arti Grafiche in
and also in previous experiences, of
which the most famous is the Ulm College
of Design.
believe that the development of
this approach
can increase stu-
dents’ innovative and cognitive potential, increase
the explicit contribution
communication designers to human progress and
knowledge sharing, and open
new professional areas by increasing contacts with new disciplinary domains.
Te reflections described in
this article form the basis for a system of ongoing
of the didactic outcome. Tis curriculum has never been applied
fully, but it can be an
comparison tool for evaluating the effects
of curriculum
choices in
relation to
the model we
propose. For example, the
competence and the scientific method
competence are generally
considered marginal in a
curriculum. Moreover, students of different
disciplines are generally only mixed at higher levels of training (master
doctorate). Tis practice
puts students
in a sort of “bubble” that
prevents them
from integrating with other professionals and into professional life.
this occurs more significantly in disciplines with a strongly vertical curriculum.
next step would be to conduct a longitudinal
research project
on the
students’ educational trajectories and their career paths afer earning
bachelor’s, with respect to the full range of variables
introduced in
curriculum by this model (not only the competences outline here,
but also
teaching methods, learning styles, the relationships among competences,
teacher profiles, funding, etc.). Gathering
information about the profession
or the disciplinary domain in which the former students work afer obtai-
ning the degree can provide data on the relevance of
the metadisciplinary
approach proposed in this article. Another important step would be to detail,
for each specific case
of curriculum development, the educational objectives
to be achieved in regard to each of the
five competences
have outlined.
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Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.
Alpaca Società
via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 5, 44121
Ferrara FE (Italy)
Interaction designer with
a background
in visual
communication design. He has been a speaker
several international conferences since 2017, pu-
articles in
field of information design
and the development of interactive communica-
tion artifacts. He focuses on design for education
and design for all. He co-founded Alpaca coopera-
tive in 2016.
Berta Martini
Dipartimento di studi
umanistici, Università degli
studi di Urbino Carlo Bo,
Via Bramante, 17, 61029 Urbino
PU (Italy),
Full Professor at the University of Urbino where
she coordinates the degree course in Primary
Education Sciences. She is co-director of the
online scientific journal Pedagogia PIU’
Teorie e pratiche educative,
and she is
a member
of the scientific boards of
peer review journals
and publishing
series. Her main fields of interest
and research are the processes of
transmission of
knowledge in education contexts and in curricu-
lum studies. Among her numerous publications,
we report Didatiche disciplinari (Pitagora, 2000)
and Pedagogia dei saperi. Problemi, luoghi e pratiche
per l’educazione
(FrancoAngeli, 2011).
Inmaterial 06. Giampiero Dalai, Berta Martini, Luciano Perondi, Monica Tombolato.
Luciano Perondi
Dipartimento Pianificazione e Progetazione in
Ambienti Complessi,
Università IUAV di Venezia, Santa Croce 191
Tolentini, 30135 Venezia VE
(Italy); Tel.:+39-388-1697785
Has been involved
professionally in type and infor-
mation design since 1998.
His main fields
of interest
are writing and reading
the history of
writing and its non linear
use (sinsemia).
From 2003
to 2007 he run the studio Molotro.
From 2007
to 2018 he has been tenured lecturer of
“History of
book” at Isia Urbino.
From 2013
to 2016 he has been the Director of the
same Institute.
Since 2018 he is Associate Professor at IUAV
He is partner of the cooperatives
CAST and
Dipartimento di studi
umanistici, Università degli
studi di Urbino Carlo Bo,
Via Bramante, 17, 61029 Urbino
PU (Italy),
Received a PhD in
Epistemology and one in Edu-
cation from University of
Urbino. She taught in
secondary school. She is currently a
fellow and a contract professor for the Pedagogy
of Knowledge Lab
and Physics Education Lab at
the Department of
Humanistic Studies,
of Urbino. She is the author of essays and arti-
cles concerning the philosophy and pedagogy of
Inmaterial 06. Beyond the discipline: A metadisciplinary approach for the
didactics of communication design.