Hiding in Plain Sight.
Amy Suo Wu’s Te Kandinsky Collective
Florian Cramer
Inmaterial 04. Florian Cramer
The history of 20th century painting conven-
tionally identifies abstraction with modernism
and the return of figuration with postmoder-
nism. But abstraction ended much earlier, in
a spy operation during World War II, when a
British intelligence officer, in a stroke of ge-
nius, found abstract paintings to be the perfect
carriers for secret messages transported across
the ocean. For this purpose, he commissioned
a painting to Wassily Kandinsky that included
a secret message encoded - in the manner of
flag signs or Morse code - into its seemingly
abstract visual shapes. Tis anecdote explains
steganography: the clever hiding of messages
in other messages. Steganographic messages do
not need to appear innocuous. At some point,
militant jihadists were reported to run porno-
graphic websites as a cover, using porn images
for hidden communication. Unlike cryptogra-
phic messages, which typically are scrambled,
unreadable and therefore visible as encoded
message at first sight, steganographic messages
are designed to slip under the radar. Amy Suo
Wu’s steganographic works do this as well,
using Cardan Grille (the superimposition of
grids on texts to uncover hidden text), substi-
tution ciphers and camouflaged text within text
in combination with invisible inks.
Kandinsky accepted the job for the British in-
telligence service, and his painting was shipped
across the ocean. If we believe official history,
this remained a one-time experiment. But how
would modern art history need to be rewritten,
and abstract painting to be reinterpreted, if the
practice really continued? (Tis may be a less
paranoid thought than it first sounds, given the
historical fact of the CIA having been a major
force in promoting post-war American abstract
expressionist painting).
Inmaterial 04. Hiding in Plain Sight. Amy Suo Wu’s The Kandinsky
Anecdote is, according to the Oxford English
Dictionary, a “short, amusing or interesting story
about a real incident”. Edgar Allan Poe’s short
story “Te Purloined Letter” (1844) can be
read as an anecdote in this sense, since over the
course of time its status changed from a piece of
fiction to an often-quoted, quasi-real life para-
ble. In the story, amateur detective C. Auguste
Dupin recovers a blackmail letter that police
investigators had failed to find simply because
they had searched a room looking for something
hidden while he found it hanging there in plain
sight. “Te Purloined Letter” is thus the extreme
example of steganography as a message that is
not what and where it seems to be. So it is the
seeming paradox of Amy Suo Wu’s invisible
ink works, and of steganography in general, that
they show things in plain sight while hiding
them at the same time. Professional stegano-
graphers call that which is publicly visible the
“plaintext” or “payload” (which can be a painting,
a piece of writing, an audio recording or any
other medium) and the message hidden in it,
the “cyphertext”, “covert message” or “package”.
Is analog steganography merely a legacy or
nostalgic form of information obfuscation
today? Especially when using the classical
technique of invisible inks, in a digital commu-
nication age where few letters are still written
by hand on paper?
Not even secret agents seem to use invisible
inks any more. In 2011, the CIA declassified
its own invisible ink recipes and published
them online. Tis initiated Amy Suo Wu’s
research into invisible inks. Working at the
fringes of graphic design, art, media research
and activism, Wu does not reactivate invisible
inks for simple aesthetic reasons. Neither is her
project just about the post-digital, neo-analog
appeal of these inks.
Inmaterial 04. Florian Cramer
True, cryptography is digital by definition,
whereas steganography can be both digital and
analog. If the previous sentence sounds coun-
ter-intuitive, here’s more explanation: Modern
cryptography - the encryption and decryption
of symbols using a code - is mathematical. (It
even is a discipline of applied mathematics.) It
therefore is digital according to the scientific
definition of the word, as information proces-
sing of countable units. Tat means crypto-
graphy is even digital when it does not involve
zeros and ones in an electronic computing
device (the colloquial definition of “digital”),
but the replacement of letters through code
numbers on a piece of paper.
But, to return to steganography, when stegano-
graphy is digital it can, for example, involve hi-
ding a text message in a JPEG image file, with
the text only becoming visible if one opens the
file in a text editor instead of an image viewer.
Examples of digital yet non-electronic stega-
nography include secret texts embedded into
non-secret texts, for example through the first
words of each paragraph. Amy Suo Wu’s in-
visible ink works are good examples of analog
steganography, since they involve no mathe-
matics and no shuffling of letters and numbers,
but only chemistry. Uncovering the covert
message is just a matter of heating or chemica-
lly treating a piece of paper or canvas.
Based on such simple means and household
items, invisible ink makes secret communi-
cation accessible for everyone. It makes more
sense today than a few years ago, when softwa-
re promised better protection.
On closer inspection, after Edward Snowden’s
disclosure of global digital communication
surveillance, analog steganography has always
been a good way of protecting one’s priva-
Inmaterial 04. Hiding in Plain Sight. Amy Suo Wu’s The Kandinsky
cy instead of being merely a playful device.
Yes, hackers and crypto activists made mili-
tary-grade encryption software (PGP, TOR,
OpenSSH, VeraCrypt) available to the masses,
freely. But Wu knows the issues of their practi-
cal use from first-hand experience. As co-host
of a series of CryptoParties in Rotterdam
- community events that teach everyone the
basics of internet privacy and communication
encryption - she witnessed again and again
how this software asks too much of people
with average computer skills. Tis turned out
to be more than simply a problem of education
or training, but amounted to a major privacy
issue. Te lack of technical expertise leading
to incompetent use of encryption softwa-
re - with only one mistake (such as a weak
password) compromising security altogether
- created an even more problematic situation
in which people compromise their privacy, but
communicate carelessly because they think
they’re safe. Tis not only concerns safety from
government espionage, but also data-mining
by internet corporations, blackmailing through
cyber criminals, and, increasingly, hacking into
the computers and mobile devices of political
activists in order to leak all their personal data
to public internet forums. Tis has become a
common practice among members of politi-
cal subcultures like the Alt-Right to discredit
black victims of police shootings post-mortem
and to harass feminist computer game develo-
pers and critics.
False sense of security through incompetent
crypto use thus makes things worse in the end,
similar to using a self-defense weapon to lite-
rally shoot oneself in the foot. Snowden disclo-
sed that anyone in the world who uses strong
encryption software, such as the programs
mentioned above, is automatically considered a
terrorist suspect by intelligence services such as
Inmaterial 04. Florian Cramer
the NSA, and will end up on suspect lists and
become a target and fair game for interception
and wiretapping.
Memory serves as a tactical weapon in this
game. Intercepted messages whose encryption
today’s computers can’t decipher in reasonable
amounts of time are routinely being archived
so that their encryption may be cracked some
day in the future when faster computers are
available. Under these conditions of a cold
info war, Wu’s invisible ink works are more
than just highly enjoyable pieces of visual art
and calligraphic design (and pieces of truly,
socially interactive art and design on top of
that). As a combination of exhibition works,
toolkit manuals and workshops, they are also
pieces of practical media research and activism.
But most importantly, they give something
useful to people. Bypassing internet survei-
llance by bypassing the internet is no longer
a fringe idea. What was begun by artists like
Heath Bunting in the early 2000s and exten-
ded to filesharing communities by the 2010s
- where movies, music and scanned books are
increasingly shared Samizdat-style via hard
drives and USB sticks to avoid the legal risk of
getting caught online - still lacks an equivalent
for person-to-person correspondence. Using
under-the-radar techniques such as analog ste-
ganography for these purposes is not a bad idea
at all. Her work literally is an experimentation
lab for invisible inks and other steganographic
techniques, and therefore just the beginning
of a practice that is meant to leave behind the
space where it is now being shown.
Of course, calligraphic steganography is not
a novel technique. Te 15th century Voynich
Manuscript, a codex of unknown origins writ-
ten in an unknown alphabet with cryptic floral
and half-nude women illustrations, has not
Inmaterial 04. Hiding in Plain Sight. Amy Suo Wu’s The Kandinsky
been deciphered until today, despite countless
intense efforts of professional and amateur
cryptoanalysts since 1912, the year of its
acquisition through the antiquarian bookseller
Wilfrid Voynich. In 2004 and 2016, its current
owner, Yale University, published it as photo-
graphic facsimile reproductions, first online
and later also as a print book. If the Voynich
Manuscript really is a piece of steganography
- the practice was common in its time and
first described under this name by the German
occultist and polymath Johannes Trithemius
around 1499 - then it not only demonstrates
the resilience of steganography, but also its
extraordinary creative potential, visual-tactile
richness and eccentricity.
A different way of phrasing this: analog
steganography in general, and invisible inks
in particular, promise to turn privacy from
a nuisance into something more enjoyable.
While this might sound overly hedonistic or
even lazy, its importance should not be un-
derestimated. Fun with steganography bears
genuine political potential because it could be a
working counter-narrative to the way corporate
apps and hardware gadgets - from Facebook’s
social networks to Google’s GMail and the
Android smartphone operating system - make
their users trade in privacy for enjoyable user
experiences. (Using PGP for E-Mail is neither
enjoyable nor creative, and the intellectual
reward of having understood asymmetric key
encryption quickly gets stale).
Non-existent and really-existing obfuscation,
fact and fiction, paranoid imagination that turns
out to be utter realism - these typical parame-
ters make crypto culture an applied mind game,
but limit its social scope. “Cryptography for the
masses”, a typical activist endeavor, therefore has
been doomed to fail and end up as an oxymoron.
Inmaterial 04. Florian Cramer
Newspaper reports from November 2016 su-
ggest that steganography is now being used in
computer malware, embedding the virus code
into images on infected computers in order to
bypass virus scanners. Antivirus software will
likely be updated with image recognition algo-
rithms to prevent this in the future. Likewise,
invisible ink steganography may no longer fly
under the surveillance radar once it becomes
widely adopted. (Tis would be the beginning
of a post-digital, post-big data era for intelli-
gence services, following a trend that began in
the arts.)
Article 19 of the UN Universal Declaration of
Human Rights declares that “everyone has the
right to freedom of opinion and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers”. In a time
of ubiquitous hate speech trolling, combined
with governmental-corporate communication
surveillance, this concept has been simulta-
neously hijacked and undermined. Despite this,
“freedom of expression [...] without interfe-
rence [...] through any media and regardless of
frontiers” still is a sound practical explication of
invisible ink experiments. So these words have
become a project description instead of a right
that everyone has.
Florian Cramer
lecturer in 21st century visual culture at Rotterdam University of
Applied Sciences, where he is affiliated to the Willem de Kooning Aca-
demy and the Piet Zwart Institute. Last publications: Cramer, F., 2013.
Anti-media: ephemera on speculative arts, Studies in network cultures. Rot-
terdam: Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers).
Cramer, F., 2014. What is ‘Post-digital’? APRJA, 3. Reprint 2016.
Chun, W.H.K., Fisher, A.W., and Keenan, T. (editors). New media, old
media: a history and theory reader, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.
Inmaterial 04. Hiding in Plain Sight. Amy Suo Wu’s The Kandinsky
Inmaterial 04. Florian Cramer